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Mission Statement

The Rutgers Law Record uses the internet to advance the law review genre. We see the Internet as a medium of expression and dialogue, not as a particular intellectual obsession. Our interest is the Internet's capacity to transform the traditional law journal model.

The Rutgers Law Record's publishing concept embraces the Internet as a means to enhance the content and context of each work by linking it to legal resources and related materials on the worldwide web. This concept also recognizes an opportunity for mixing established stylistic formats with the Internet's creative tools to create new forms in the law journal genre.

The Rutgers Law Record seeks to facilitate quick dissemination of the legal community's initial impressions of ground breaking legal issues with innovative articles and cutting edge viewpoints.  To accomplish this goal, we publish a variety of articles and blogs written by practitioners, judges, and academics.  In addition, we actively promote each addition by publicizing our issues with relevant professional associations.  We aim for our authors' articles to be read by potential clients, peers and colleagues.

Post date: 2010-11-01 16:07:30
Post date GMT: 2010-11-01 23:07:30
Post modified date: 2014-08-18 16:25:26
Post modified date GMT: 2014-08-18 23:25:26
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